Operation Hannibal is underway. You have survived the cold winter and the escape by ship to Copenhagen.
You think all danger is now over, but cunning smugglers get you into trouble.
Innocent - are you now directly on your way to Oksbøl Camp?
Can you escape or do you have to spend time in the camp?
The Story Behind
Operation Hannibal was a German evacuation operation at the end of World War II. Over 2 million refugees, mainly civilians, were brought from war zones to Denmark.
The arrival of refugees put an enormous strain on Denmark's resources and created tensions within the population. Many suffered from lack of food, shelter, and healthcare.
After the war, there were up to 36,000 German refugees in the Oksbøl camp. Life in the camp was marked by the trauma of flight and uncertainty about the future. But it was also life in a city behind barbed wire, where a city council, theater, cinema, and school helped provide content and diversion for people whose lives had been turned upside down.
The last refugees left Oksbøl in 1949
You can play in English
You can play in teams of 2 to 8 people.
The game is suitable for children aged 8 and up.
The game lasts up to 70 minutes.
Please arrive approximately 10 minutes before your game time begins.